
Living in Transit: Youth, Nomads and Reality

Living in Transit: Youth, Nomads and Reality

A Narrative Essay on Becoming and Education

von: Sebastián Alejandro González Montero

14,99 €

Verlag: Universidad de la Salle
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 10.02.2023
ISBN/EAN: 9786287510838
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 228

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Living in Transit: being in motion is an actual condition. Movement is real. Moreover, it is essential because it concerns kinetic events. We can insistently perceive that everything changes and moves. All living beings undergo experiences revealing flows, adaptations, and becomings. Quotidian experiences testify to that. Directly or indirectly, we face reality's movements all the time. Atoms move. Planets move. Animals move. Rivers move. Trees move. Technology moves. Economy moves. The State moves. And people move. The ontological assertion that reality is all about beings in motion has an anthropological side that must be considered. We indeed live in times highly defined by movement and change. As we have said, everything moves. It is inevitable to perceive and face movement and change. For that reason, it is essential to ethically assess our human role in changing living scenarios and dynamic beings.
Sebastián González. Profesional en Filosofía y magíster en Filosofía por la Universidad Colegio Mayor Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Doctor en Filosofía por la ontificia Universidad Javeriana. Profesor asociado de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad de La Salle. Autor de Perspectivas pragmáticas: sociolingüística y juegos del lenguaje (junto con Carlos van der Linde; Ediciones Unisalle, 2010) y Paranoia: emociones públicas y universidad (junto con Germán Ulises Bula; Ediciones Unisalle, 2016). Editor académico de Memoria, historia y ruralidad: teoría y métodos (Ediciones Unisalle, 2015).

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