Jasmina Mujcinovic

Moon Girl




Chapter 1    Life

Chapter 2    Moment to Moment

Chapter 3    His Journey

Chapter 4    Irony

Chapter 5    The Dark Night

Chapter 6    Death

Chapter 7    Moon Girl

Chapter 8    Unconditional Love


Deutsche Verfassung

In my hallucination

I saw my beloved’s flower garden

In my vertigo, in my dizziness

In my drunken haze

Whirling and dancing like a spinning wheel

I saw myself as the source of existence

I was there in the beginning

And I was the spirit of love

Now I am sober

There is only the hangover

And the memory of love

And only the sorrow

I yearn for happiness

I ask for help

I want mercy

And my love says:


Look at me and hear me

Because I am here

Just for that

I am your moon and your moonlight too

I am your flower garden and your water too

I have come all this way, eager for you

Without shoes or shawl

I want you to laugh

To kill all your worries

To love you

To nourish you

Oh sweet bitterness

I will soothe you and heal you

I will bring you roses

I, too, have been covered with thorns



The night has a thousand eyes,

and the day but one;

Yet the light of the bright world dies

With the dying sun.

The mind has a thousand eyes,

And the heart but one;

Yet the light of a whole life dies

When love is done.

Francis William Bourdillon (b. 1852)


In my heart

Your love has found

The safest hiding place

Inside is a field

a stream, trees and a lake

Around is a wall

No-one from hell could break

In there you will shine

The light of heaven’s eye

There you will cry

My heart’s been a lonely warrior

So you can be sure

Your love’s in a sacred place

Sade - The Safest Place (2010)


Do you love yourself more than you love me?

Beloved replied, I have died to myself and I live for you.

I’ve disappeared from myself and my attributes,

I am present only for you.



All through eternity

Beauty unveils his exquisite form

in the solitude of nothingness;

He holds a mirror to his face

and beholds his own beauty.

He is the knower and the known,

the seer and the seen;

No eye but his own

has ever looked upon this Universe.

His every quality finds an expression:

Eternity becomes the verdant field of Time and Space;

Love, the life-giving garden of this world.

Every branch and leaf and fruit

Reveals an aspect of his perfection-

They cypress give hint of his majesty,

The rose gives tidings of his beauty.

Whenever Beauty looks,

Love is also there;

Whenever beauty shows a rosy cheek

Love lights her fire from that flame.

When beauty dwells in the dark folds of night

Love comes and finds a heart

entangled in tresses.

Beauty and Love are as body and soul.

Beauty is the mine, Love is the diamond.

They have together

since the beginning of time-

Side by side, step by step.



You are another me.




I still remember the moment I was born.

I opened my eyes to look at a colourful sunflower seed in the beautiful Laniakea.

The scent of warm spring rain filled the foggy pathways of nature’s bloom, as the desire awoke in me to take a deep breath of that cool morning breeze

that sang gentle songs of wild jasmine.

My name is Moon

and I inspire the world to create

infinite variations of sweetness and delicacies.

Endless emerald green trees, diamond white flowers, and turquoise waterways emerge from me

while I paint waves of golden glow

of precious sun.

During the night,

my dance to the rainbow rays of the solar

light stimulates boundless fantasies to become

bustling marketplaces and lush masterpieces

of wondrous art.

How about you?

Come and speak to me.

Each and every one of your thoughts

I will listen to in silence.

When whispers flow from your heart

to mine, new worlds are being born!


in these moments you create

a magician ~ the midnight blue knight

they call the moonlight.

When you go to sleep tonight,

your holy being sparkles in visions

of golden safaris, chirping blue elephants,

and pink meadows on dreamy mountains

that you climb with enthusiasm while

miraculously cradled in the

hands of the divine.

But is it thy will that you send out,

or is it thy price?

Either way,

I will play the watchman forever

in thy sake.

My game as a token of honour

will delight thy endless space.

But first slow down.

Hold that warm, long breath

just a touch stronger.

Become calm on the inside.

Now you can see

the peaceful, ruby red horizon in

the twilight that admires us, so that we can

celebrate and remember the beauty

of being united.

Sunray infinite waters,

In this quiet night

I will overflow you with pride,

so that even through the darkness

love will stay by your side.

Come and spark a witness to life

that begins now.