The Author

Dieter Bachler

I was born in 1955, as the fifth child of a twelveheaded family. Our parents didn't have plenty of time for us; so we started being creative and kept ourselves busy on our own.

For several years I worked as an application engineer for adhesive industry. My motto was: „Living for gluing, gluing for living“ (in German "gluing" rhymes with "living").

At the age of 15 during my last year in school I met my wife. Now we are married since 43 years.

I started writing in my early years already.

Dieter Bachler

Smoker at the age of 15
Smoker at the age of 60
Nonsmoker at the age of 62

I am a hero


Chapter 1 – I am a hero!

Chapter 2 – My way of starting to smoke

Chapter 3 –18 years later

Chapter 4 – The attempt to stop

Chapter 5 – October 22nd 2017

Chapter 6 – The first week

Chapter 7 – The first month

Chapter 8 – Three months later

Chapter 9 – The new year

Chapter 10 – Half a year already!

Chapter 11 – What were the next steps?

Chapter 12 – Scientific Informations

Chapter 13 – Substitutes

Chapter 14 – October 22nd 2018


Chapter 1 – I am a hero!

I stopped smoking! On October 22nd 2017.

HERO! O.k., that`s what I sometimes think I am because I managed to stop smoking. When I feel good now and no desire is haunting me, I feel like a hero. But sometimes, when the desire gets too big, I would like to eat a cigarette as a whole.

I had been smoking for 45 years, and now, at the age of 63, I finally have managed to stop it.

At the time when I was 15 smoking was cool - all my friends in school were smoking - and since I always was a generally accepted chief in school, of course I had to show everyone how great I am, and smoking was part of that.

In 1971 no warnings were given against smoking, and of course there was no internet to get any informations from. At that time NOBODY told us, that smoking is really very bad for our health.

Smoking was quite common. Everyone was smoking and it was rather strange if someone did not smoke.

We youngsters, who just had begun our apprenticeship training and earned our own money, definitely had to be among the cool smokers.


Even a little bit of smoke ist unhealthy: "A significant number of health risks are caused by smoking only a few cigarettes a day"- this is the result of a study.

From the Newspaper "Der Standard"


Some people suffering from COPD feel like always having to gasp for breath.

From the Internet: